Thursday, April 4, 2013

Today in Sikh History - 4th April

Today in Sikh History - 4th April

Today in Sikh History - 4th April "Today in Sikh History" shares the glance of Great historical moments that happened in Sikh History. Following are the historical moments in sequence that happened on 4th day of April that is 23nd day of Chet according to Nanakshahi Calendar: 1) 1941 Under the leadership of Baba Gurdit Singh (Sarhali), Guru Nanak Jahaz (Koma Gata Maru) sailed out from Hongkong to Canada. Komagata Maru was a merchant ship leased by S. Gurdit Singh to move Indians to Vancouver, Canada. The Canadian govt. was anti-Indian and did not favor their entry to Canada. This adventure was neither directly connected to the Ghadar Party nor was it an outcome of any freedom figting organization. However, it gave a unique twist to the Indian history and freedom struggle in India. The Ghadar journal helped to give it a direction of prevalent discontent and moulded it into a radical movement. And there was a very good reason for it. 2) 1946 Master Tara Singh and Mohammad Ali Jinnah disscussed the Sikh-Muslim union. 3) 1949 A huge conference of Sikh intellectuals condemned the arrest of Master Tara Singh.

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